Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lets talk .profile

The .profile file in a Unix environment is a "know all" file. It resides under the /home/<userid> dir of the os and it's the first one to be executed whenever that particular user logs in. This is the file that creates the environment for the user and has all the shell options and environment variables defined.

Before we go into how JDE uses this file and why is it important for it, lets see what all it has first:

First and foremost comes PATH:

As the name suggests this is where the path to the dirs of the installed software go. Lets suppose we have a Unix user account MaxPayne. If MaxPayne has all the paths to the software or commands he uses defined in the .profile , he can run those command from anywhere once he logs in to the Unix shell.

Then comes the Editor.

More often than not, when we talk about default shell its the BASH shell and MaxPayne is no different. His shell is bash too and his .profile has Vi as an editor. Vi Editor is one of the most powerful command line editors that we have. Refer my post for the details about using Vi. If you need to change your editor all you need to do is specify it here in the .profile. For the record MaxPayne loves Vi.

Now we see PS1

PS1 defines what the command prompt looks like in the shell. Typically you will find the server name at the command prompt. But MaxPayne is smarter, he has included the $PWD in the PS1 definition so that he can see which dir he is in without ever needing to run pswd again!!

Last common entry is the Alias

Aliases are used to rename some commonly used commands. For example alias dir=ls will help a confused windows user to get the directory information he needs. Aliasing dir with ls tell the unix system to run ls every time MaxPayne types dir.

All the above are default entries in the .profile of any user. When it comes to a JDE Enterprise server what we see are the Oracle homes and the oneworld homes defined in the .profile. When the platform pack is run in the system it creates a .oneworld file in the user dir. This file tells the jde processes where all the JDE files are. We load this .oneworld in the .profile of the JDE file owner. Unless this is done services will not be able to start. So now when you see load libraries failing or path related issues coming up on restart, you know where to check. Majority of the times a corrupted .profile is the source of this.

This in brief is what .profile means to the JDE CNC. If you need any help configuring yours feel free to drop me a comment.

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